Sunday, March 30, 2014

Week 3/17

1.  On you blog this week, discuss how each of the following interpersonal skills are on-going at your mentorship.  Answer each of the questions posed below:

Culture/Collegiality:  How would you describe the culture within your organization (ways in which co-workers interact or don’t interact) and how does this fit with your “ideal” employer?
The culture at Elachee is very comfortable, like we are family. Most of the people working there have been there for a long time, so most everyone knows each other. I like this style of working very much, because everyone respects, understands, and is comfortable with one another. 

Collaboration:  Describe the way in which the organization collaborates with other groups in the area.
Elachee Nature Center is all about interacting and collaborating with other groups in the area, whether it be human or not. They provide many goods and services to the environment and animals inhabiting the area to keep visitors interested. They collaborate with many people and groups for donations of money or time. Since Elachee is a non profit, many companies will donate for publicity or for tax reductions. Elachee also is a very popular spot for elementary school field trips from schools all around Hall County.  

Mentoring:  In what ways have you experienced or witnessed either informal or formal mentoring taking place within the organization, other than the mentoring you are experiencing?
With Rob Stewart as the new manager of Elachee as of last October, a couple minor changes have taken place. I have witnessed new employees being trained to take care of animals in the Animal Room, or trained to tour people on trails. Personally, I sometimes come in on weekends to get a different experience in my mentorship. This coming sunday, I will be helping with the annual Trillium Trek Trail Run, to get a different experience in at Elachee, especially with fundraising. 

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